Policy-based Authorization Using Asp.Net Core 2 And IdentityServer4

In my previous post,  I’ve discussed how we can implement policy-based authorization to secure our API using JWT. But that wasn’t what I end-up using in production. Partly because the built-in mechanism of Asp.Net Core with JWT is not as powerful as IdentityServer4. Also I needed the single sign-on feature of  IdentityServer4. There are two … 


Interaction Testing With Mocks Leads To A Less Maintainable Unit Test

One of the hallmark of a good unit test is its maintainability. The test that is not maintainable is a pain and there is a higher tendency for it to be ignored. One of the mistakes in software testing is Over-specification of tests. This problem often comes with testing object interaction with a mock object when … 


Policy-based Authorization Using Asp.Net Core 2 And Json Web Token (JWT)

I’ve been tinkering with different options to secure the API endpoint of one of my Asp.Net Core apps. What I end up using was IdentityServer4, primarily because my app needed Single sign-on too. But for straightforward scenarios, I think IdentityServer4 is an overkill. That’s where JWT comes in, so in this post, I’m going to … 


Isolation Frameworks: Why FakeItEasy and NSubstitude Are Better Than Moq

I’ve been trying out different isolation frameworks lately and reading about their features and differences. In terms of feature, most constrained isolation frameworks are almost the same. But there are couple of important points about naming and readability that I think worth paying attention to. I’ve used Moq in my previous projects, but recently, I’ve … 


Moq: Working With SetupGet, VerifyGet, SetupSet, VerifySet, SetupProperty

Moq has a set of methods specific to stubbing and verification of properties. In this post I’m going to go over each one of them, and explain when and why to use them. I also discuss their differences and in what situation we might want to use them. Let’s assume we have an interface with … 


Asp.Net Core Model Binding: Controlling The Binding Source

Asp.Net Core Model Binding has a set of attributes that gives us the ability to control from what source we want to receive the binding data. In this post I’m going to go through these attributes and show how and when you can use them. Default Model Binder Behavior The default behavior of model binder … 


LINQ To Entities – Balance Between Cost Of Database Calls And Data Volume

I was performance tuning some of the rushed queries on one of the web apps that I’m currently work on. What I’ve realized was writing efficient LINQ queries requires a little more effort than I thought. In this post I’m going to show you some of the issues I’ve encountered and the lessons I’ve learned … 


Asp.Net Core Action Results Explained

Asp.Net Core has a set of action results which are intended to facilitate the creation and formatting of response data. Without a well formed correct response, our application cannot work correctly and efficiently. Therefore action results and as a whole mechanisms that are responsible for generating the response are an important part of an Asp.Net … 


xUnit Theory: Working With InlineData, MemberData, ClassData

xUnit support two different types of unit test, Fact and Theory. We use xUnit Fact when we have some criteria that always must be met, regardless of data. For example, when we test a controller’s action to see if it’s returning the correct view. xUnit Theory on the other hand depends on set of parameters … 


Mock HttpClient Without Wrapper Using HttpMessageHandler

There is a lot of discussion on github about why HttpClient doesn’t have an interface. Despite the long winded discussion on github about the subject, I think mocking the HttpClient isn’t that hard. We can solve this problem with a wrapper, but wrappers are not a good idea when we can avoid them. Partly because …