Updating NPM Packages: Tools and Strategies

Keeping our frontend dependency for a big front-end project can be a daunting task. It can get challenging and when this happen we better have strategy in place to ease the process. This article intends to describe some strategies and tools that we can use to help us ease the process of keeping our NPM … 


Update Strategies For NPM Packages

Keeping a third party dependency of a big front end project can be a challenge. But it can be less challenging if you have a strategy for it. Strategy can be in the form of the tools that we’re using or how often we do it for which type of update. There other posts can … 


Duende Identity Server: Risks of Sharing Clients and Tokens

In the past, I leveraged the open-source Identity Server version 4 (Read about my experience with it here). But recently, Identity Server has become proprietary, offering price plans that are not always seen as favorable. Especially if a company wants to support on premise instances of the app as opposed to SAAS. That means a … 


Thread Affinity in Parallel Programming Using TPL

Thread affinity refers to the assignment of threads to specific processors or cores on a multi-core CPU. When a thread is bound to a specific processor or core, it is said to have affinity to that processor or core. This is in contrast to thread migration, where a thread can move between different processors or … 


Code Review: The Ultimate Guide

Code Review is one of the most important processes that can lead to a high-quality software. Not only that but it’s also important for many other things inside a software project. Things such as knowledge sharing between team members and also improving the spirit of collaboration. I’ve already written a short article about code review … 


Inheritance in Programming: Best Practices and Valid Use Cases

Inheritance is a powerful concept in programming that allows classes to inherit properties and behavior from parent classes. When used correctly, it can improve code readability, reduce redundancy, and simplify software development. However, when used incorrectly, inheritance can lead to code that is difficult to understand, maintain, and modify. Unfortunately, inheritance is often misused in … 


How to Protect Yourself as a Software Developer Against Rapid Changes in a Fast-Paced Industry

Jobs in software industry are normally good job with relatively high pay. But some people think it’s like our industries where you put a lot of initial efforts and then it’s all done. But software development not only needs a lot of initial efforts, but also a lot of efforts after that to stay up … 


How to use ConfigBuilders for User Secrets Management in Asp.Net MVC 5

When it comes to storing our app secrets, Asp.Net Core has a built-in mechanism to do that out of the box. But this is not the case for Asp.Net MVC 5. For MVC 5, we need to install custom configBuilders packages in order to be able to have the same functionality. There are many other … 


Application Secret Management: How to Implement a Good Secret Management Strategy

Sometimes bad things just happen, or perhaps they happen because of our neglect. Bad things like committing an application secret into our repository. The problem with doing that is that if that happens, deleting the secret and committing will not suffice. We need to purge that commit completely from our repository and its history. But … 


How to Customize Windows Terminal and PowerShell Using Fzf, Neovim and Beautify it with Oh My Posh

PowerShell on its own it a very powerful tool. But what if told you can make it even better using some tools that you can install on it? Not only that but you can also make it more beautiful/handsome, perhaps with a bit of a personal touch too? So, in this post I’m going to …