There’s a lot of small intricate details that one can miss when we deal asynchronous programs. Even though these days far more superior APIs exist that make things a lot easier. For example a lot of people think if we want to call any synchronous code asynchronously, we just simply wrap it in Task.Run. It’s …
Build UI Tree With Recursive Asp.Net Core View Component
Previous version of Asp.Net MVC had the concept of local view helpers that could contain HTML too. You see an example of this here. But this feature is removed in Asp.Net Core, but we have a better tool to do it. There might be a lot of other replacement solution for using @helper, but in …
How Functional Programming Helps With Asynchronous And Parallel Code
There is a lot of scenarios that a functional code can introduce benefits. But asynchronous and parallel programming is one of those that fit with functional programming perfectly. I’m going use one example of this in particular. That is when we write asynchronous or parallel code, we need to consciously think about how we access …
Using Task.WhenAny And Task.WhenAll
In this post, we’re going to see when we should use Task.WhenAny and Task.WhenAll. I’m also going to explain the differences between Task.WaitAny and Task.WaitAll. Then I move on to show some example of good and bad usage of these constructs. We’re also going to see some situations such as when we need immediate processing …
Top 7 Common Async Mistakes
There are some common mistakes that one can see over and over again while reading an asynchronous code base. This mistakes range from egregious mistakes that can halt the whole process. To mistakes that create confusion and semantically incorrect code. So in this post, I’ll gather these common mistakes into a post with the top …
Asp.Net Core API: Patch Method Without Using JsonPatchDocument
Some time ago, I needed to implement a mechanism for an API to update an entity without using JsonPatchDocument. The reason was that the user of the API didn’t want to necessarily use JSON to use the patch method. But user might want to use XML, Message Pack or any other format. What I needed …
When Should You Use Task.Delay
This post is about how Task.Delay can be used in different scenarios. Generally speaking we use Task.Delay to wait for specific amount of time in asynchronous fashion. I’m also going to explain why do we need to sometimes mimic this kind of behaviors. What Task.Delay Does? In some scenarios, we need to wait for specific …
When to Use Async and Await and How it Works
In my last post, I discussed why asynchronous and parallel programming is becoming increasingly more important. We also saw the difference between asynchronous and parallel programming. In this post we’re going to see when asynchronous programming should be used. I’ll also show you how previous API for asynchronous programming worked. So we can see how …
Concurrency Vs Parallelism
Recently I decided to start gaining more knowledge in concurrency and Parallelism in programming and go deeper as I progress in my study. I intend to share my knowledge in this areas through a series of posts that I’ll publish each month. I’ll go deeper and deeper with each post into the subject of asynchronous …
.Net Exceptions Best Practices
Exception is one of those constructs that is easy to misuse. This might include not throwing exception when one should or catching the exception without a good reason. Also there is the problem of throwing the wrong exception which not only doesn’t help us, but can confuse us. On the other hand there is the …