Sometime in our tests, we need to control the test execution order. This mostly happens in our integration test and not as often as our unit tests. Some people might even argue that controlling the execution order of unit test is bad practice. You can read more about it here. The main reason to not …
What is TPL Dataflow in .Net and When Should We Use It
There are various ways to write a concurrent or parallel program in .Net but they’re often don’t have the flexibility and robustness needed. That’s where TPL Dataflow comes in, it helps us build a more robust concurrent program and it can helps us reduce a lot of complexity. For example when we use other paradigms …
xUnit: Share an SUT Instance Between Two Class Using Collection
In my previous post I talked about how we can Share Expensive Object Between Tests By Using IClassFixture. My previous post is about situations when we want to share a class instance between all test methods. Because a test class is created once per test method so its constructor is executed per test methods. But …
Share Expensive Object Between Tests By IClassFixture
When XUnit run a test method, it’s going to create a new object of our test class for each and everyone of our test method. This can create a problem when the creation of the object is expensive and slow our tests down. But there’s a solution to it, we can use IClassFixture to share …
Asynchronous Programming Series
Recently I wrote a series of posts regarding asynchronous programming. You can find the links to this series down below. In these series of posts I started from the definition of concurrency and how it’s different with parallelism. Then I moved on deeper into the subject by each post. My 10th post in this series …
Thread Safety
There a lot of things that can go wrong in our code. But when we introduce concurrency or parallelism in our code, we potentially could experience different set of bugs. These are race conditions, deadlocks and data corruption to name a few. This happens because there might be a share piece of data between different …
Dependency Injection: Conditional Resolving of Multiple Implementation of Interface
Sometimes we need to resolve a dependency but not with one implementation, but with multiple. There are couple of scenarios that calls for conditional resolving of types. Such as when using a generic class and methods with a dependency on another class. Now imagine the aforementioned class is an abstract one, and we need to …
What Is SynchronizationContext
SynchronizationContext is one of those topics that deserves a better understanding if we want to fully know how asynchorony works in .Net. It’s true that most of these concerns handled behind the scene. But we can benefit by understanding what exactly happens when we offload a task to a worker thread or release the thread …
Exception Handling In Asynchronous Code
It is important to know how exceptions are handled in an asynchronous program. Partly because these subtle points can sometime become a headache. When exception are thrown in a code that runs inside a task, all the exceptions are placed on the task object and returned to the calling thread. When exceptions happen, all the …
NDepend 2018 Review: A Flexible Static Analyzer
NDepend is an static analyzer which can provide various useful information about the quality of the code base. With its built in rules, it calculates how much technical debt the project is in, and estimate how many hours it takes to pay them. For the first time users, the UI might be a little overwhelming, …