How to Choose a Coding Conventions Tailored to Your Team’s Needs

Imagine you want to create a coding convention for your development team. One approach would be to adopt a strategy that bigger companies adopt. While this approach can be a good starting place, it’s not exactly ideal. Because there are a lot of criteria in your team that can change what is the best way … 


Programming Principles: A Summary

I previously wrote about a important concept that I always use when I think about design that can be found here. In this article we’ll explore a summary of the most essential programming principles and practices that significantly influence the approach and processes in the field of software development. These principles, ranging from fundamental programming … 


Application Secret Management: How to Implement a Good Secret Management Strategy

Sometimes bad things just happen, or perhaps they happen because of our neglect. Bad things like committing an application secret into our repository. The problem with doing that is that if that happens, deleting the secret and committing will not suffice. We need to purge that commit completely from our repository and its history. But …