Normally websites get indexed by google automatically. There’s also sitemap to help us announce what should be crawled by google or certain pages exist on our website. For each update of our website the search engine crawlers from google visit our website and update their indexes with our pages information. But waiting for google bots …
.NET is a large collection of a bunch of different things really; including compilers, runtimes, programming languages and a bunch of different tools and technologies.
It provides a lot of common functionality that can be tapped into rather than recreating it from scratch.
C# is one language that can be used on .NET. It get compiled initially by Roslyn and can get additional compilation at runtime by RyuJIT. Other languages include F#, which can all be compiled and run against its runtimes.
This works because it’s generally not compiled to a particularly low level language but rather to an Intermediate Language that can be executed by a .NET runtime. The runtime then does the appropriate translations to actual system/hardware calls allowing you to not have to worry about it.
When you create at least C# projects, you have to specify what runtime you’re targeting so that it can be compiled appropriately to work; not just whether it’s Framework or Core, but also the version number since functionality of the same thing may be different.
One of the goals with .NET 5+ is to reduce the confusion by bringing many of the parts together under one umbrella, but it’s going to be a while before that replaced enough existing software to really get rid of the confusion (especially since .NET 5 isn’t going to have Long Term Support).
Functional Programming in C#: A Brief Guide
Functional Programming and its concepts are becoming more important to software industry and data driven applications. But for us to be able to benefit from functional programming we don’t have to use a strictly functional language like Haskell for example. We can follow the principles and patterns of functional programming even in object oriented languages …
C# in parameter modifier
In version 7.2 of C# language, now we can pass an argument into a method without allowing the method to mutate the value. But the main reason this keyword is added to the language is not mutability. It was added for optimization and the need to pass a value type in a method by reference …
Moq: What’s Wrong With Using VerifyAll
There are some features in the isolation framework (Mocking framework) Moq which I see is used blindly. Most of the time it can which reduce test readability and maintainability. One of the worst offender in this regards is VerifyAll. In this post I’m going to elaborate why this method is so pernicious to readability and …
Stop Using Repository Pattern With an ORM
There a tendency in software developers to want to follow a specific formula. Whether it is adhering to a methodology like agile or using a specific design pattern. This happens so often that we have a specific term for it in our field called Cargo cult programming. In these situation a programmer don’t ask themselves …
TPL Dataflow Blocks: Post vs SendAsync
I was reading an excellent series of articles about TPL Dataflow from Jack Vanlightly the other day. He draw my attention to the difference between Post and SendAsync when we want to post something to a block. I wasn’t thinking about it much at the time. But as I progressed through my readings, I saw …
xUnit BeforeAfterTestAttribute: How to Run Code Before And After Test
Sometimes we need to run a piece of custom code before and after a test and set of tests. One example of this might be when we want to change the thread culture. In this case we change it before test start to run and restore it to its original after test is finished. One …
More Robust Asynchrony and Parallelism With TPL Dataflow ActionBlock
.In my previous post, I explained what TPL Dataflow is and when we should and shouldn’t use it. But I haven’t got into much detail about how it can help us solve real world scenarios. Since my last post, thanks to a comment on my previous post, I went though different Stackoverflow questions. I saw …
xUnit: Control the Test Execution Order
Sometime in our tests, we need to control the test execution order. This mostly happens in our integration test and not as often as our unit tests. Some people might even argue that controlling the execution order of unit test is bad practice. You can read more about it here. The main reason to not …
What is TPL Dataflow in .Net and When Should We Use It
There are various ways to write a concurrent or parallel program in .Net but they’re often don’t have the flexibility and robustness needed. That’s where TPL Dataflow comes in, it helps us build a more robust concurrent program and it can helps us reduce a lot of complexity. For example when we use other paradigms …